Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Orphans Prayer:

[From "Small Blessings", an All God's Children International Publication]

I am waiting.... somewhere far...far...away on the other side of the world.
I may not know who you are or what you look like,
But some how deep in my heart I know you are out there.
That one day you will come and find me.
It's a long journey, and it takes a lot of time...
I wish it could be easier.
But I know that the ones who come for me will not count the cost.
They will only see the joy of finding me.
For now I abide in the fields of the fatherless.
Day by day wondering why I was born here and not somewhere else?
Asking...why my life couldn't have been different?
It is so lonely...
Even though I am surrounded by hundreds of other children,
I know that something is missing... I know in my heart I need a place to call home.
My arms long to be saved by a mother's love...
Gazing out the orphanage window, I offer a prayer of hope,
"Oh God please help them come quickly."
Even as I lay in the darkness each night somehow I feel assured,
That no matter how lost I appear I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps; sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching my lonely heart.
The one who made me,
The God that knew me before I was born,
Hears me every time I call.
He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope to His voice.
But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me.
The fields are vast and there are so many scattered all over the earth.
I wonder how one little child, so lost, can be found?
Yet He calms my heart and assures me that HE will find you.
That HE will make sure that you hear His voice clearly.
He has promised me that HE will make a way through the fields,
That HE will personally cut a path, and lead you right to my orphanage door.

My prayer is..
When HE speaks...Please don't forget to listen...
When HE calls don't be too afraid to go
For I am waiting...somewhere, far...far...away
On the other side of the world
To come home.

I beg of anyone who reads this, PLEASE don't let their prayer be in vain!!!! Don't ignore the call of your Heavenly Father!


  1. That is absolutely wonderful--thanks so much for sharing it. Tears!

  2. Oh my goodness, this was so beautiful, so touching~It brought tears to my eyes!! So glad you shared it! Would you mind if I copy it to post on my blog and facebook page? :)
    ..and btw (again)..I am getting old! I don't even know what else to do with my! :), just praising God I have some :)

  3. I actually found it on another blog :). But since it was a copy from another site I assumed it was okay to copy, and I asked her to recopy it too. :) So sure, share away!

  4. I love this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I was in Ukraine and I see alot of family come from Americe to the Orphanages, and see those beutiful children and you want to adopte them all but you can't.....When my Mom and Dad went to Ukraine adopt me, they brough two more soo they always bring home more then went for................I will pray for you and those children that need help.........I was thinking about my self where I would be now if I was not adopted? Probably dead or be a homeless.........I'm soo happy that I have a family that loves me ....... Thank you for posting on the blog Joseph..................

  5. Oh my goodness! I had to come check back in to see if any new news was up..instead I read the comment left by Joe..How touching is that?! I'm glad he left it, I was able to check out his blog and was just so touched! What a blessing! :) I've been following his families journey, but I didn't know he had his own blog. Very insperational for sure!!!

  6. Thank you for commenting on my blog! I grabbed your button and will be following your journey!!!
