Monday, January 4, 2010

Just The Facts

Just a few pieces of this and that to share today:

1. I have REALLY GOOD kids. Diverse? Are they EVER! Challenging, YES! But so worth every hair on my head I pull out!

2. I leave to see my babies in 12 days!!!!

3. I am reading "Fearless" by Max Lucado, and loving it.

4. I am following a plan that will allow me to read the whole Bible in a year. I started yesterday. ;) But, I am determined to do it!

5. In 11 more days James will have lived with us for 2 years! He has legally been a "Mayden" for one month and 3 days!

6. Today John and I started our "live healthier" plan, and part of that is taking a tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil [per Dr. Oz's suggestion] to get our Omega 3's and Vitamin D requirement. I will let you know how it goes... as in will it go down, will it stay down? ... that kind of thing. :)

7. The kids are back in school today. I always have mixed emotions when they start back... I love 'em, I miss 'em, but it is a chance for me to get more done adn they really do need more to do. Plus, they get sick of each others company and enjoy seeing their friends. Someday, I may just NOT cry when I send my kids off to school... someday. :)


  1. Oh my gosh, you are leaving soooooonnnnn!!!!! I am so excited for you. Cannot wait for you to post pics :)

    You are a blessed woman of a mighty God, dear friend.

    Got the candle--that has to be the BEST smelling candle I have EVER smelled. So fabulous. I am soooo tempted to keep it :) THANK YOU!

  2. My son has the book The Tallest of Smalls which is Max Lucado's children's book that is meant to accompany Fearless. I love it! You might consider getting it for your children.
