Thursday, April 29, 2010

Going Backwards A Step

Not good news today. Our dossier is leaving court and going backwards a step. The MOJ messed up our letter with another family. So two unhappy families today. 3 long weeks after leaving this step, back we go. So unecessary, this crazy delay.

But all is not lost! I prayed that our miracle be given to Chrissie (see button on side of blog), and I pray that God has done just that!

Still.... Lots of prayer and lamenting going up to God today.


  1. Praying for Chrissie & you! Praying EXCELLENT news for both of you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Crying out to our God Almighty with you...Oh, the agony! Hugs..your wanna be neighbor :P

  3. Holy Cow.

    Keep the faith.

    It will happen SOON. :)

  4. Ugh! I'm so sorry this mess up happened :( And sorry things continue to move so slowly :( Keeping your girls in prayer. God bless, Jennifer
