I NEED blinds or curtains or something. This window faces west, so the sun is shining right into the window as we sit down for supper and it makes it so uncomfortable to see! Plus, I needed something this summer to help keep the heat down, but couldn't ever decide on anything. Anyone good with window decor?
I can't figure out a color or a style. Remember I have a 3 year old. Yes, the walls or a burnt orange color. They are painted to look similar to leather, so think of a brownish/orangish leather. I did the painting myself, so be nice! LOL I also don't want to spend a fortune!
Please ignore the mess, I was gone last evening and didn't feel like picking up much before bed! :) And the carpet is just a tan, not a peachy color like the lighting of the pics show! :)
I LOVE your painting job--looks absolutely fabulous. I'm all for bamboo blinds (from Target). They are cheap and the darker shade will look wonderful with your orange walls. Just an idea :)